Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Getting Answers

Becky: Answer me!
Travis: I'm sorry I don't think as fast as you.
Becky: It took 90 seconds.
Travis: Oh yeah? It took me thirty minutes to write a report.
Becky: What report?
Travis: Stop. You're using your lawyer terms.
Becky: I'm not a lawyer. I'm not anything.
Travis: The kids don't know that.
Becky: No, I guess they wouldn't.
Travis: Where are we right now?
Becky: Uh, at home.
Travis: I know but which building? I keep thinking we're in the terminal.
Becky: Home, Building A.
Travis: OK. Are you going to keep an eye on her?
Becky: Who?
Travis: That lady over that's doing work for us.
Becky: OK. Sure.
Travis: And watch them walking over there, I keep thinking I see someone I know.
Becky: Roll over, you're drooling. EW!
Travis: Hahaha. Sorry. The Jazz won last night!

Naked people and philistines

Travis: I'm naked under my clothes.
Well, I guess most people are, but it's better for certain people. And some people are more naked than others.
Becky: Oookay *chuckle*
Travis: You're a philistine.
Becky: (laughter)
Travis: Its not a compliment so don't laugh.
Becky: Oh sorry.
Travis: It's okay. I could be one too, but  I'm not.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Spiritual Action, a black guy and Adam Sandler??

Travis: I just, I just want some action.
Becky: What kind of action?
Travis: You know, action-action. Like the spiritual kind. Everyone wants spiritual action, especially if it's like the intimate kind (chuckles).
Becky: (laughing)
Travis: I had a thought, but I don't want to tell you because you'll laugh at me. Because, I mean, you always make fun of me and the black guy with his beard. Oh see, I knew you would laugh. I didn't mean that kind of action, I meant a gun action.
Becky: Oh Travis, I can't breathe (laughter).
Travis: I am CPR and First Aid Certified. So is the black guy with a beard, but I wouldn't let him help you, because, well...
Becky: What? Because he's black?
Travis: Well (Guffaws) Yes and kind of no. He's nice, but he's not even real. I mean, I guess he could be, but he's in my mind so I guess I must have seen him or something.
Becky: Or it could be your imagination.
Travis: EW! Uh!! I just had another thought but I'm not telling you. EWWW!
Becky: What?
Travis: All I'm gonna say is Adam Sandler would be happy. UGH!
Travis: That is a lot of money.


Travis: OW! I can't roll over! The poltergeist has my heart beat.
*sings* All that crap is gone, all that crap is gone Do do doooooo*

Sticker face

Part 1
Becky: *whispers* red rum, red rum
Travis: Bite you on the bum
Becky: very good
Travis: yep all night. (Sings) Have a holly Jolly Christmas Its the best time of the year.
Becky: *sticks a rolled up sticker on his face*
Travis: Don't leave it there I'll fall asleep and go to work with it on.
Travis: And why is that owl always watching us?
Becky: (laughing)
Travis: can't you see it? It's all blue and yellow over there its always watching.
Becky: No it's not.
Travis: oh you're right.
Becky: (laughing)
Travis: ssshhh! We need to call someone.

Turn off your light

Becky: Hey before you fall asleep, turn off your light please.
Travis: But if I have a bright idea I might need it on. (starts singing a song about breathe in breathe out and petting my head).
*A few minutes later*
Becky: OK seriously turn off your light.
Travis: I can't. I could get electrocuted and then I would tell on you.
Becky: How would you get electrocuted the lamp switch isn't anywhere near the socket?
Travis: But the socket might be near the lamp.
*A few minutes later*
Becky: Hey, turn off your light.
Travis: Why do you always wait until I fall asleep to tell me this stuff.
Becky. Seriously?!

A family affair

It looks like sleep talking is a family affair tonight. I've got Sophie in here yipping in her sleep and when I tucked Brilee in one last time she mumbled something about 'Dad took it away.'

Hey sexy

Travis just bolted out of bed, then laid back down.
Me: what are you doing? Are you OK?
Travis: sssssshhhhhhut your mouth. SSssssssssshut up.
Me: well that's rude.
Travis: hey sexy.

Stop talking crap on my Grandma

Travis: Hey are you OK?? I just want to know why you are talking crap on my grandma.

Fold up your pants

Travis is on one tonight. HE JUST WENT ON A RANT!
Travis: I'm just gonna put a spec note in, with information. If you get too close to the edge of the bed, move your pillow and your blankets to the middle of the room. Put up the ladder, and rrrrrooooolllll (roll) up it. If it starts to rain fold up your pants into floods and wait it out. If you get thirsty then DRINK THE WATER!

Toothless ninja

Travis just rolled over and started karate chopping me and saying "huh hah yah." He then grabbed my arm and started gnawing on it and said " I have no teeth."

emailing issues

Travis: I'm not sure why, maybe I should try a PDF. What? I'm thinking of something.


Travis turned over and acted like he was spitting on me and said "Just like Aladdin."
Becky: Aladdin doesn't spit on people!
Travis: (mutters)
Becky: On a scale from 1-10 how awake are you?
Travis: 7 and half. That's honest. Its important to be honest. Be honest with everyone, even the people on the short bus. (Burst out laughing)
Becky: Travis that was both hilarious and inappropriate.
Travis: Was it?
(Several minutes later)
Travis: *whispers*Everybody knows.
Becky: You're whispering and its creeping me out.
Travis: *whispers* I doubt that. (yells) I caught myself. Say hilarious.
Becky: hilarious....
Travis: uuuuh, its not as funny when you say it.

January 28
Travis: You can have.....
Becky: I can have what?
Travis: (mumbles)
Becky: stop mumbling, mumbler
Travis: don't call me that. Its like a Jumbler.
Becky: what's a Jumbler?
Travis: Becky you can only have one Jumbler.
Becky: why do you keep scooting closer? Get on your pillow.
Travis: I just want to get us comfy. Are you comfy? Am I touching you or are you on the row above me?
January 25

Mumbler, Jumbler

Travis: You can have.....
Becky: I can have what?
Travis: (mumbles)
Becky: stop mumbling, mumbler
Travis: don't call me that. Its like a Jumbler.
Becky: what's a Jumbler?
Travis: Becky you can only have one Jumbler.
Becky: why do you keep scooting closer? Get on your pillow.
Travis: I just want to get us comfy. Are you comfy? Am I touching you or are you on the row above me?

January 25

Happy Meals

If you want to be happy, buy a happy meal. It's like a boot!!

OF COURSE they're homemade cookies

Trav has been talking in his sleep for about 20 minutes but most of it was inappropriate so here's what I can share
Travis: So if we both have a bowl and a plate we can all dish it up.
Becky: dish what?
Travis: The cookies! Becky gosh!
Becky: what kind of cookies?
Becky: Are they homemade?
Travis: what? I mean.... Ugh! Of course they are. COME ON BECKY!

Bed time

Part 2
Travis: (laughing) This is fun. We are a bunch of characters. Without you and me we wouldn't be we!
Travis: OK. Time for bed, again. (Laughter).

Toast and jelly

Part 1
Travis: You poked jelly on me.
Becky: No I didn't.
Travis: Yes you did because it tastes like toast.
Travis: I might need some bengay right there because of how hard you poked me in my arm.
Travis: What's so funny pokey?
Becky: You taste like toast?
Travis: My neck hurts. Ow boy.
Travis: Let's see if we can smell my watch
Becky: What did you just say?
Travis: I said.....its a secret.
Travis: WHOA! In my..I know... I can't tell you. (Starts whispering).

I still love you

Travis: "I still love you even though you're The Giver."
Bet you can't guess what we were watching before bed.

No need to call names

January 8 · 
Travis just called me "A nasty little devil child."

Rocking chair

Travis fell asleep during out pillow talk again. He finished a coherent sentence and then several minutes later whispered in my ear, "What's that rocking chair doing here?"

What was I doing?

January 2 · Edited · 
I layed down and reached over to turn off my light and Trav seriously popped out of bed. Like up in the air, then walked over to the door and then turned and looked at the TV, pointed at it, and continued to stare at it.
Me: What are you doing?
Travis: I don't know. I forgot what I was doing.
Me: Brushing your teeth?
Travis: 'oh yep' (Walks to bathroom door and starts limp fishing the door handle). 'It won't open.' Finally comes back in and sits down and stares at his phone.
Becky: Oh man I can't believe how you just popped out of bed like that.
Travis: (he started crying) I could just see the bubbles in the bath and I knew you just went to bed.
(Begins playing with his phone)
Travis: what was I doing?
Me: Setting your alarm?
Travis: oh yeah. Where's my plugger in thing?
A few minutes later
Travis: Remember the time change like ten years ago?
Me: WHAT are you talking about?
Travis: you know when the time changed and you were wearing a skirt?
Becky: (Seriously friends I was laughing so hard I wanted to puke) 'I need oxygen!'
Travis: (laughs) that's funny! It happened like five or ten years ago. If you could see what I am thinking you would understand.
Travis: I have a question. What time do we have to be there tomorrow?
Becky: At the movies?
Travis. WHAT?!
*Wow, I really wish I had a good recorder or something. I know I forgot part of that conversation. It lasted 45 minutes at least.

Save my spot?

January 2 · 
Travis: (sniffing the air)
Becky: It's my lotion you can smell
Travis: You're welcome
Becky: For what?
Travis: You know. You're lotion
Becky: You didn't give it to me, Brilee did.
Travis: This is as far as I get up or my back will break in half.
(Travis actually woke up for a few minutes at this point while I was trying to get my phone to record him)
Travis: I can see you looking at me when my eyes are closed.
(Closes eyes and then opens them again)
Travis: See, I can see you with my eyes closed. I knew you were looking at me.
Becky: OK
Travis: I'm thirsty
Becky: Go get some water
Travis: Do you promise you won't steal my spot?
Becky: Nope.


January 2 · Edited · 
Paige started fussing last night, Travis rolled over and started singing
"There are angels among us sent down to us from somewhere up above."

Fixin' the Bed

Note- Travis pulled the sheet off the mattress in his sleep.
Me: Trav get up. You pulled the sheet off the bed again.
Travis: I know.
Me: OK so get up
Travis: You woke me up for this?
Me: Roll over or get up please
Travis: (Gets out of bed, stands up and then plops back down).
Me: Trav, get up!
Travis: I DID!
Me: Seriously, move.
Travis: I tried but my throat is still tired from throwing the ball. (Stands up)
(At this point I realize he's not awake)
Me: OooooKay. Well the bed is fixed you can lay down.
Travis sits down and stares at me so I kindly push over where he curls into the fetal position.
Travis: My tongue is numb.


Me: Gosh you sure are moaning and groaning over there. Are you dying or having a sex dream?
Travis: (gurgly/moaning noise) Chewy is my friend.

Don't piss me off

Travis: Oh yeah? You think its funny until you piss someone off and you have to make your own sandwich.
That's right. You are going to be all alone.
(Starts singing) " Its gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiney day."

The Hokey Pokey?

November 23 2014
Travis Whoa! I was halfway awake in that dream and there were leaves falling everywhere
Becky- is it because there ARE leaves falling everywhere?
Travis- Oh. OK. But the hospital was behind it.
Becky- which one?
Travis- McKay, the old McKay. The white one. (Insert what I call the scary clown laugh. You will only hear when he is asleep and it is TERRIFYING)
-after five minutes of quiet-
Travis- you put your right hand in you put your right hand you put your left and in and shake it all around, lalalalla that's what's its all about.


You're a hooker

Fast and the Furious

Travis almost steals the bottle

Date unknown

December 12, 2014

December 8, 2014

December 31, 2013

November 10, 2014

October 1, 2014

November 22, 2013

October 19, 2013

Meet Travis

A page following the unconscious ramblings of an exhausted man.
I am being urged by friends on our www.facebook.com/travissleeptalk page to start a blog.

Meet Travis:
Travis is one hard working guy. He slaves away as a design engineer, drafter and nuclear auditor (don't let him fool you, he loves his job). 
Travis is also a dedicated husband and father to three energetic children. As if he wasn't busy enough, Travis also serves as our ward's Young Men's President for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and is always on call for anyone needing a handy man, having car issues, sprinkler issues, moving man, etc.  
As his wife, I feel an obligation to share his gut busting somniloquies.