Friday, July 28, 2017


Travis:like Clint Eastwood get it?
Becky: nope
Travis: that's what you look like. In a girl way. Like if you were a girl and he was a boy. You would have babies.
Becky: Big NOPE

Travis: I can't remember if I locked my car. I have to use this hand because this one is asleep. Maybe if you lick it. And why is that guy smoking over there in front of the Yellowstone sign? People are weird I guess.

Travis: Have you ever been to that ride at Disneyland that has two sides? I guess you would have to be here.

Travis: *gasp* I thought I lost my paddle to my paddleboard.
I'm really thirsty
Becky: get a drink
Travis: of water? I'm just in the middle of this lake and I can't drink it

(Fireworks outside)
Travis: oh, was that me?
I fell asleep again, I just gotta get up again?


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Gotta go 11/23/16

Travis: Did you have to go?
Becky: hmmm?
Travis: Did you have to meet anybody?
Becky: Nope
Travis: Oh that's good

Sound asleep 6/26/16

Travis: I was sound asleep but now I'm wide awake huh Brilee? Wait what did I just say? I can see her in my vision. I mean I am rubbing your back but you aren't there

Punch you in the sleeping bag 6/23/17

Travis: let me know if you want me to punch you or sleeping bag.
Becky: what did you just say to me?
Travis: I said I want to put you in a sleeping bag and drown you. That's what my human body wanted to say, but I said something nicer.

Turn off the sun 06/01/17

Travis: Stop or you won't get your Valentine. I was showing you the wall. Not the Berlin wall, just a wall. It's like in Talladeggie Nights.

There is some political tension here. Soccer is political and you are political.

Can you turn off the sun? Because your light is on. Can you do that?

French 05/19/17

Travis : that's my point.  Some people live life and some love to see it. Like the French,  all the way down.  But not in a weird way

Sympathy 04/05/17

Travis: There's a big difference between being funny and being sympathetic

California 04/01/17

Yesterday morning when I was leaving Travis sat straight up and asked
"Are you going to California?"
Becky " I wish!"
Travis: "Okay, well, sorry."

Rugby and Bob Ross 02/17/17

Travis: I'm just dreaming about Rugby
Becky: why
Travis: you know.
Becky: No I don't
Travis: shh I'm dreaming about Bob Ross Jamison
Becky: Bob Ross what?
Travis: Jamison. Why are you talking to me in the middle of the night?
Becky: It's not the middle of the night
Travis: oh maybe I was hypnotized. We gotta be seperate but equal. It's the final judgement on the mountain

Don't get stuck 01/08/17

I usually go to bed early so I can get up at 4:30 am for work so I haven't been catching any sleep talking. Sorry guys.

Travis: its a good thing you went in there and stuff
Becky: It's a good thing I came out!
Travis: why
Becky: so I don't get stuck
Travis: Yeah I bet you'd get stuck. Just kidding *chuckle*

Gotta go

Travis: Did you have to go?
Becky: hmmm?
Travis: Did you have to meet anybody?
Becky: Nope
Travis: Oh that's good

Kids sleep talking 10/03/16

I just checked on our 6 year old before bed

Bri: It's my tummy *roll over puts finger to cheek* Let's see let's see let's see
Becky: laugh
Bri: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?